Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Why Rob loves to google himself…

Because he knows of the fevered activity
Throughout the cyber-community
Everyone pimping and peddling his ass
Rob-merchandising hard and fast
So he thinks he might have a google
Perhaps to share a laugh, a snort or giggle
He cannot but be overwhelmed indeed
At the scale of the interest and the need
How they all fancy, covet and obsess
How they are all driven to own and possess
Every snippet about his life and days
Every little gesture and word he says
And if a thousand words are a picture’s value
Then the enormous numbers of him that they do
Must be equivalent to gazillions of books
Describing his history, voice, movies and looks
There is over much there and entries a-plenty
He is glad he does not buy his own publicity
So although his appeal is beyond his reason
He is very happy he is Robert Pattinson
For there is not enough love in the universe
And to wish for less is just plain perverse
So he resigns himself to his patent destiny
To ride this wave with grace and humility
And when he sleeps, no new dreams intrude
In truth, he’s living them all, the blessed dude!
So, Rob loves to google himself now and then
To remind himself he is the luckiest of men!

(written in response to JAG's new post on RAoR)

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