Friday, January 15, 2010

Robert, if it is not too much to ask...

Robert, if it is not too much to ask
Please let me take you to a task:
Don’t do anything reckless
or sexy or fuckhawt or feckless
for my good husband’s sake!
for my real life’s stake!

although it is well nigh impossible
for you to be but infinitely desirable
you are seen through a prejudiced lens
everything rendered to a high sensual tense
every inch of glorious young physique
imbued with a pulsating live mystique...

but have pity on my terminal condition
a feline curse past all cure or redemption
left licking sore and damaged paws
from choosing a futile and fatalistic course
no hope ever to be where you are
a nerve too close to a feat too far

but sustained by your continued breathing
and propped up while you are still living
so joyful with the reflected catharsis
of a fulfilled and awaited promise
of another chance to be young again
experience crushing love and bruising pain...

you who are living an exhilarating life
you who are causing rampant feminine strife
remember to exercise your tender mercies
for those dipped in unrequited miseries
ah, the pointed pointlessness of it all
to yearn and burn where they plunge and fall

we did not choose this way of indignity
but we submit to your appointed destiny
to flail and surrender at your feet
is the end all women now will meet
so be a gentle rain for this arid place
bestow relief with your measured grace

show us your beloved face again
lest your absence drive us all insane
we know you have a newfound pet
but she is young and she’ll keep yet
come and end this interminable drought
take some air and get around and about

but whether you come to surface soon or not
would not alter our circumstance a jot
we search the world wide web for news of you
creating multimedia works of love for you
basking in the luminosity of the life you now assert
our darling Spunk Ransom, Pattinson Robert!

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