Monday, February 1, 2010

Lucky Holly Grainger!

Oh, the lucky lucky Holly Grainger
Picked to play Suzanne in Bel Ami
Our Robert is no stranger to her
He was Daniel Gale to her Charlie
Oh, to be co-starring in two flicks
With His Holy Awesomeness
The good fortune of some chicks
To get so close to His Handsomeness
Hope she takes a page or two
From Bad Mother’s Handbook
There’s more to the eye that’s true
Than how things sound or look
I envy her that point of advantage
Working so closely with Rob
Wonderful actresses sharing one stage
Bel Ami is sure to be a helluva job!

Well done, Holly, good luck to you
And no matter what else you learn
A thing for sure that’s fun to do
Is playing with our Robert Pattinson!!

So, congratulations to the lucky lass
Robert "Georges" Pattinson will be a gas gas gas!


  1. Hi Tess! I'm excited about Holly playing Suzanne in B.A....just finished reading the script and book, and I can't wait...

    Love your poetical're awesome!

    (see, I commented!)


  2. See baby, no pain and all gain!
    love your ass!!
    make sure you come again
    you lovely lass!!
    great you could comment today
    No luck for JAG and LuvRobAllDay
    they couldn't post when they tried before
    so glad i haven't closed the comments door!
    <3 you


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