Tuesday, May 11, 2010

JAG’s birthday!

Happy birthday to “Just A Girl”,
Creator of lustiest Rob-site in the world!
How lovely to have this opportunity
Saluting along with entire RAoR sorority
The wonderful occasion of your birth
That deposited you upon this earth
To enable and entice and engorge
Cyber-friendships to connect and to forge
Among like-minded and same-hearted women
United in their love for our Robert Pattinson!

These wonderful matrixes of creativity
Hatched with harmless Rob-perversity
By those who should know better
For we are mostly older and wiser
But for the appeal of the One Man
(We’d all tap him if we ever can!)
And the knowledge that it is all fun -
Freedom of thought for all under the sun!

Yes, we do love us some Rob-gorgeous
Yes, we do believe in His Holy Hawtness
Yes, we give in to the irrevocable truth
Of our terminal obsession with this youth
Oh, we know that we are only dreaming
Notwithstanding our longing and dreaming
That all intercourse with Him is impossible
Highly imaginary and totally improbable…

Which is why we love our Just A Girl
This cyber-world’s most precious pearl
Who took on board our collective sins
And channeled them into posting bins
To keep us all entertained with the hilarity
To be found in the common womanity
Of Angelsz living in everyday disguises
As girlfriends, professionals, mothers and spouses!

Rob bless your creative mind and soul
RAoR posts rendering us brave and bold
We dare to say and we dare to reveal
Our deepest regrets and wounds to heal
In this World Wide Web sanctuary
Powered by Rob-lusting completely
We find our own mirrored soul mates
Journeying to the self same fates!

PattinH00rs, RobCats and PattzCougars uniting
All diversity and differences celebrating
The colour of our eyes and that of our skin
Covering the same red of arterial blood within
Wherever our homes on this blue sphere
Every person is always welcome here
For we are all temps in this small world
Made even smaller by Just A Girl!

May you have many fabulous returns
And a Rob-dream that sizzles and burns -
Sexpenders, Stoli shirt and asscandy on a stick
Sexboots, muffin and boner, lickity lick!
May your real life be as just as great
As the reel and screen life you re-create,
May the joys and pleasure that you give us all
Be ever at your own beck and call!

Hugs and kisses and smooches galore
For JAG, whom we all dote on and adore,
Be as naughty and pervilicious as ever,
I love you, JAG, Rob-pimp and enabler!
(for JAG, hostess of Random Acts of Rob website!)


  1. oh my darling, oh my dear!
    so great to have you posting here!
    absolutely delighted you liked it
    as all the sentiments truly fit!
    trust you had a fantastic day
    and come again here to play!
    ciao bella!


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