Sunday, February 7, 2010

He comes....

He slips into my reverie
As natural as taking breath
Wordless, seamless, so easy...

He enters into the core of me
Pulsating life, urging my death
His coming has cut me free...

He looses my sense of time
As i dive into his depthless eyes
They sing, they laugh, they rhyme...

His mouth is soft, sweet sublime
Raining kisses as wet butterflies
On parsely, sage, rosemary and thyme...

His arms surround me, warm and strong
An irresistable citizen’s arrest
I surrender, I fit, I belong...

I feel his fingers, all ten digits long
Search and find my hardening crest
They titillate and make me scream in song...

He buries his head between my thighs
Exercising teeth and probing tongue
I quiver, I shake, moans and sighs...

His mouth is hot, and then is ice
Insisting inhibitions be flushed and flung
As he savours his victor’s prize...

I curse, I swear, I scream, I sob
As he silences me with his kiss
My darling, my rapacious hot heart throb!

He fills me up with his expanding knob
Thrusting, unrelenting, shattering bliss
My ravisher, my impaler, my clitoral *FOB!

And then he comes like a tidal wave
Breaking upon my battered shore
My precious, my lovely, my unbound brave!

My life is his to spend or save
I ask for nothing more
But to be his h00r, his slut and slave...

Yes, he slips into my reverie
Natural as drawing breath
Wordless, seamless, so fucking easy...
(*FOB as in Free On Board! Lol!)


  1. OK, I have to go to bed...this one was beautifully HAwt....


  2. ah, Sweetness and light!
    have yourself a restful night
    and may his hawtness grace your bed
    and rain sweet kisses upon your head!
    ciao bella!


Love to hear your thoughts...:-)